What should you know?

Retirement planning often focuses on lifespan, ensuring your money lasts your entire lifetime and if desired, leaving a lasting legacy to the next generation.

A more aspirational retirement should focus as well on healthspan. This is the period of your life when you are physically active, cognitively sharp, and socially present without significant illness or impairment.

Put simply, these are the years when you are able to live life to the full before your health may restrict you.

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Why should you care?

A great retirement plan should cover both elements:

Lifespan: making sure you have enough resources to look after your basic needs and to leave something behind for your loved ones.

Healthspan: Spending your money and time on what you enjoy the most, whilst you are able to.

A good financial planner can help you build a plan that balances a fulfilling life today with an aspirational life in the future.

Helping you add life to years, not just years to life.