What should you know?

When Antoni Gaudi began working on the Sagrada Familia in 1883, he knew he would not live to see its completion.

Despite this, he passionately pursued the project and left behind drawings and plaster models that have allowed later generations to continue the building in the style that he intended.

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The construction is now entering its final stages and the masterpiece is due to be completed in 2033, 150 years after it started.

Why should you care?

Being a good ancestor means looking beyond your lifetime to future generations. Laying the bedrock for your successors to build from.

Knowing that you have properly laid your family’s financial foundations through considered and personal planning allows you to focus on achieving your own full potential. It is not just about the financial security this brings, but the freedom from stress that it provides you to become the best nurturer of your family’s future.

Once a clear and solid plan is in place, you can focus on providing not just inspiration and example to your family but also the firm groundwork that future generations can flourish from and improve on what you started.

As the mighty Warren Buffet once said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”